More than 250,000+ people use BotDistrikt chatbots

Made for Marketers

Design a virtual personality for your customers to engage with. Track Clicks, Impressions, Funnels, and other data points to make conversations and convert.

Made for Marketers

Qualify Leads

When a customer chats, your bot listens. It follows your rules, segments the customer, and sends them to your system of record.

Drip Campaigns

After segmenting a customer, your bot personalises content and broadcasts messages meant just for them.


Your bot uses several data points to show you what resonates with your customers. Stop guessing copy that converts.

Polished for Customers

Non-linearity is key to a powerful chatbot. Let your customers have fluid conversations; not limited by the bot's buttons.

Polished For Customers

Always Live

Your bot is live 24/7, and provides instant responses. You can sleep in peace, while it handles those anxious customers at 3AM.

Human Handovers

Manage ticket volume and free up time to handle more complex issues yourself. Your bot works with you hand-in-hand.

Omnichannel Inbox

See and manage your customers' conversations on Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, your website and other channels in one single real-time inbox.

Customizable for Developers

Logical Conditions, Regex Patterns, AI Training, API Integrations, and JavaScript Functions allow you to build powerful two-way conversations.

Customizable for Developers


Your bot connects to your own systems of record and HTTP APIs to GET and POST updates when you need it to.


Your bot stores its own memory, allowing you to remember, re-use, and modify topics of conversation.

Hybrid AI + Rules

Use our AI Integrations to scale your training. Then use our Rule Editor to remain 100% in control.

Work with Integrations you know

Deploy your chatbot anywhere

Integrate with tools you already use

BotDistrikt is supported by
Entrepreneur First
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA)

Building customer-focused AI-powered chatbots should be easy, fun, and smart.

We handle 25,000,000+ conversations a month.

You can trust us on this 😉